Once you've done the work to plant your cantaloupes, the fun part is harvesting! How do you know when to pick them?

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How long until cantaloupe are ready to be picked?
Approximately 70-100 days after you started your seeds. This can vary by location, soil quality, and when the cantaloupe flowers.
How can I tell when my cantaloupe is ripe?
Here's a few things to help you tell when it's time to pick your cantaloupe:
- The melon will separate from the vine easily.
- The cantaloupe skin will feel like netting.
- Cantaloupe will feel heavy.
- Cantaloupe is yellow/beige.
- They will smell sweet.
- The stem of the cantaloupe looks sunken in.
Signs your Cantaloupe is not ripe yet
If your cantaloupe is not ripe, don't pick it. As soon as you pick it, it will not get any sweeter.
- Cantaloupe is green.
- Cantaloupe is smooth on the outside.
- Cantaloupe is having a hard time being pulled off the vine.
- The stem of the cantaloupe protrudes out of the melon.
How to harvest Cantaloupe
Once you've looked over your cantaloupe and they are ripe, you will want to pick them from the vine.
Most ripe cantaloupe can easily be pulled off the vine, but sometimes this isn't the case.
If the cantaloupe isn't separating easily, use a pair of gardening shears/sharp knife and cut the stem off from the vine.
Will cantaloupe ripen after being picked?
Yes, cantaloupe can ripen after being picked. But (and this is a huge but) cantaloupe won't get any sweeter. This is why it's best to leave the cantaloupe to ripen before picking.
Kathy Westfall says
My cantelope looks orangish on the bottom but the rest looks green. Is it ready to be picked?
Joanna Stephens says
I would wait until the entire melon is sandy gold or orange all over. If it's still mostly green, that means it's not ripe or ready to be picked just yet.
Sandy Rakip says
Will moisture on the melon (bottom) cause it to rot/ or?
Joanna Stephens says
Hi Sandy, yes moisture can cause the fruit to rot. What you can do is add a layer of mulch below the melon just so that it's not touching the soil. Another benefit to keeping the melons off the ground is that insects have a harder time getting to them.
Sandy Rakip says
My melons are on the-ground will they be ok there , i didnt know u could hang them,
Squirel s got 2 already
Joanna Stephens says
For squirrels, I would suggest shredding up some irish spring soap and sprinkling it nearby your plants. The scent of the soap will keep the squirrels away!